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<Project leader>
(17 research projects; Total JPY 329,548,988 (=GBP 2,142,068; 1 JPY=0.006500GBP))

2021-    Contracted clinical trial phase 0
Title: An Observational Study of Japanese Participants With X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa Identifier: NCT04868916
Responsible Party: Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K. Adopted JPY 134,609,438 (=GBP 874,961)

2020-    Contribute Trust Fund for Ophthalmic Research in Commemoration of Santen Pharmaceutical’s Founder.
Title: Identification of ancestor of Miyake disease with utilizing genomic variation analysis.
JPY 2,000,000 (=GBP 15,098)

2019-    Contracted clinical trial phase 0
Title: Extended Calibration of Visual Function Evaluation Tests in Patients With Severe Vision Loss 2. Identifier: NCT03281005
Responsible Party: Astellas Pharma Inc. Adopted JPY 32,233,695 (=GBP 243,332)

2018-    National Hospital Organization Network Research Fund
Title: Development of a diagnosis support system in Ophthalmology, utilizing artificial intelligence. (Reference: H30-NHO (Sensory organs)-3 JPY 58,500,000 for application/3 years) (=GBP 441,616).

2018-    Contracted clinical trial phase 0
Title: Extended Calibration of Visual Function Evaluation Tests in Patients With Severe Vision Loss. Identifier: NCT03281005
Responsible Party: Astellas Pharma Inc. JPY 43,335,033 (=GBP 327,136)

2017-    Contracted clinical trial phase 0
Title: Calibration of Visual Function Evaluation Tests in Patients With Severe Vision Loss. Identifier: NCT03281005
Responsible Party: Astellas Pharma Inc. JPY 13,942,179 (= GBP 105,249)

2017-    Grant-in-Aid for Scientists to support international collaborative studies of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
Title: Establishment of an intercontinental cohort database for ABCA4-associated retinal disorder in global eye genetic consortium, including 7 countries from Europe, America, and Asia (grant reference: 16KK01930002; JPY 12,480,000/ 2 years) (= GBP 94,211).

2016-    Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
Title: Establishment of an intercontinental cohort database for ABCA4-associated retinal disorder, aiming for clinical trial of treatment (grant reference: 16H06269; JPY 24,310,000/ 3 years) (=GBP 183,516).

2016    FOUNDATION FIGHTING BLINDNESS ALAN LATIES CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, Clinical/Research Fellowship Award in Inherited Orphan Retinal Degenerations (USD 65,000) (=JPY 7,014,150; =GBP 52,961).

2015    Grants for International Activities in Life Sciences and Medicine, Keio University Medical Science     Fund.
   Title: A collaborative research of genotype-phenotype correlation in a large international cohort with inherited retinal disease: investigation of molecular modeling impact and clinical severity. (JPY 200,000) (=GBP 1,509)

2014    Grants for International Activities in Life Sciences and Medicine, Keio University Medical Science     Fund.
Title: Clinical and Genetic Characteristics of Childhood-onset Stargardt Disease. (JPY 200,000) (=GBP 1,509)

2013    Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and     Technology, Japan (Ref: 25861662).
   Title: Clinical and molecular genetic investigation of inherited macular disease, aiming for clinical     trial of treatment. (JPY 4,300,000/ 2 years)(=GBP 32,460)

2011     Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Daiwa foundation small grant (Ref: 8608/9273)
   Title: Support for three reciprocal UK-Japan visits by Ophthalmologists to carry out         collaborative research into the clarification of genotype-phenotype correlations of retinal     dystrophies leading to publications and conference papers. (GBP 3,000) (= JPY 397,151)

2010     Suzuken Memorial Investigative Research Fund
   Title: Clinical and molecular genetic investigation of inherited macular disease in preparation for     clinical trial (JPY 1, 000,000) (=GBP 7,549).

2010     Mitsukoshi International Research Award
   Title: Clinical and molecular genetic investigation of inherited macular disease in preparation for     clinical trial. (JPY 600,000) (=GBP 4,529).

2010    Fight for sight, DR HANS AND MRS GERTRUDE HIRSCH AWARDS (Ref: 1969U)
   Title: Investigation of the natural history of ABCA4-retinopathy in preparation for             treatment trials. (GBP 15,000) (=JPY 1,985,759)

2010    Special Trustees of Moorfield Eye Hospital (Reg: 228064)
   Title: Investigation of the natural history of ABCA4-retinopathy in preparation for             treatment trials. (GBP 7,500) (=JPY 992,879)

<Co-principal investigator>
(7 research projects; Total JPY 1,389,832,223 (=GBP 10,492,734))

2020-    Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
Title: Establishment of patients registry for juvenile patients with deaf/blindness. (Board, JPY 42,408,000/ 3 years). (=GBP 320,137)

2017-    Butterfield Awards for UK-Japan collaboration in medical research and public health practice
Title: UK-Japan Genomic Research of Inherited Eye Disease (Co-PI: GBP 11,000/ 3 years) (=JPY 1,456,223)

2017-     Health Labour Sciences Research Grant, The Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare.
Title: Establishment of comprehensive clinical management for juvenile patients with deaf/blindness. (Co-PI: JPY 18,000,000/ 3 years) (=GBP 135,882)

2016-    National Hospital Organization Network Research Fund
Title: Development of novel comprehensive gene screening methodology for the molecular diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa. (Co-PI, JPY 60,000,000/ 3 years) (=GBP 452,940)

2016-   Foundation Fighting Blindness, multi central study

2015    Approved eyeGENE© Stage 2 Research Studies, National Eye Institute, National Institute of Health
   Title: Molecular Modeling of Pathogenic Mutations in Nucleotide-binding Domains of ABCA4 Transporter Protein.

2011-    Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
   Title: Acquisition, administration, and provision of biological samples and elucidation of pathology in hereditary retinal and choroidal disorders. (Board, JPY 750,000,000/ 9 years)(=GBP 5,661,750)

Division for Vision Research, National Institute of Sensory Organs

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UCL Institute of Ophthalmology associated with Moorfields Eye Hospital

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